
Tobacco Management. 23 (Suppl 3): Iii41-iii47

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Sol 23-07-16 00:37 view4 Comment0


Levy, David T.; Cummings, K. Michael; Villanti, Andrea C.; Niaura, Ray; Abrams, David B.; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Borland, Ron (2017). "A framework for evaluating the public well being impression of e-cigarettes and other vaporized nicotine products". Sussman, Steve; Allem, Jon-Patrick; Garcia, Jocelyn; Unger, Jennifer B.; Cruz, Disposable Vapes Tess Boley; Garcia, Robert; Baezconde-Garbanati, Clearance E-Liquids Lourdes (2016). "Who walks into vape outlets in Southern California?: a naturalistic remark of shoppers".

Kirkpatrick, Matthew G; Cruz, Tess Boley; Goldenson, Nicholas I; Allem, Jon-Patrick; Chu, Kar-Hai; Pentz, vape shop Mary Ann; Unger, Jennifer B (2017). "Electronic cigarette retailers use Pokémon Go to market products". Sussman, Steve; Garcia, Robert; Cruz, Tess; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes; Pentz, Mary; Unger, Jennifer B (2014). "Consumers' perceptions of vape shops in Southern California: an evaluation of online Yelp critiques". Sussman, S.; Baezconde-Garbanati, L.; Garcia, R.; Barker, D.

C.; Samet, newest vapor J. M.; Leventhal, A.; Unger, J. B. (2015). "Commentary: Forces That Drive the Vape Shop Industry and Implications for the Health Professions". Tackett, Alayna P.; Lechner, William V.; Meier, Ellen; Grant, Vape Shop DeMond M.; Driskill, Leslie M.; Tahirkheli, Noor N.; Wagener, Theodore L. (2015). "Biochemically verified smoking cessation and vaping beliefs among vape products store customers". Bostean, Georgiana; Crespi, Catherine M.; Vorapharuek, Patsornkarn; McCarthy, William J.

(2017). "E-cigarette specialty retailers: Data to assess the association between retail surroundings and scholar e-cigarette use". Aaron Leibowitz (28 April 2017). "Council to discuss zoning for pot, tobacco, alcohol outlets". David Falchek (7 June 2015). "Vaping takes hold in NEPA, health advantages hazy". Jennifer Rooney (19 February 2014). "ROONEY: E-cigs carry dangerous unwanted effects for smokers, nonsmokers".

Jennifer Miller, representing the Lung Association of Saskatchewan, mentioned they're primarily involved for staff of vape outlets who will inhale exhaled e-cigarette Vapor products.


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