
Vitro. (B). Stably suppressed ENO1 reduced in vitro invasion of shENO

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Dorie 23-08-31 18:42 view3 Comment0


Vitro. (B). Stably suppressed ENO1 reduced in vitro invasion of shENO1-U251 and shENO1-U87 cells. (C). Transiently downregulated ENO1 dramatically decreased the migration ability of U251 and U87 cells in vitro. (D). Transiently suppressed ENO1 inhibited in vitro invasion of U251 and U87 cells. Data were presented were presented as mean ?SD for three independent experiments. *P PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25751659 rosettes and pseudorosettes formation. Immunohistochemically, the tumor was positive for CD99, vimentin, neuron specific enolase and chromogranin A, and negative for cytokeratins, CD3, desmin, and leukocyte common antigen. Pancreatic metastasis Oligomycin occurred sixteen months after the first surgery, which was managed by pancreatectomy. The patient has survived seven years after the mass was initially detected, and four years after the first lobectomy. Virtual slides: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/ vs/1500847644913244 Keywords: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor, Lung, Metastasis, PancreasBackground Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs), first described by Hart and Earle in 1973 [1], belong to the group of highly malignant neoplasms and have a tendency toward early metastasis. This rare neoplasm is more prevalent in children and adolescents than in adults, as well as in the central than the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral PNETs (pPNETs) usually involve bone or soft tissues but have also been discovered in a variety of other organs, such as the kidney, urinary bladder, and heart [2-4]. Reports of pPNETs that arise in the lung parenchyma without pleural or chest wall involvement are extremely rare. Herein, we report an additional case of primary PNET in the lung, which then metastasized to the pancreas.* Correspondence: nmggzl@163.com 3 Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010059, P. R. China Full list of author information is available at the end of the articleCase presentation In October 2005, a mass in the left lower lung lobe of a 19-year-old male was detected on a chest radiograph and a computed tomography (CT) image during a routine health examination (Figure 1a, b). Because the patient was young and asymptomatic, and since the CT image indicated a benign tumor, a lung biopsy was not performed at the time. Physicians then recommended the patient for semi-annual follow-up. At the follow-up two-and-a-half years later, an imaging study showed the invariable lung tumor. At the year 3 follow-up, the mass was found to h.


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